London Independent Photography Putney Satellite Group
Biography / Artist statement
Andrew Wilson has run the Putney (&Barnes) satellite group for London Independent Photography for the past 10 years. Having retrained as a photographer at The Putney School of Art & Design, he felt that this would be an excellent way of continuing his journey through photography, which is very much more of a marathon than a sprint. Having started around his kitchen table, his group now numbers around 25 active members, with a monthly get together (naturally on Zoom since March), monthly themed projects, regular outings (none this year sadly) and an annual exhibition in The Exchange in Putney. There is no barrier to joining other than a clear love of photography, whether mobile, DSLR or film even; one of his members is over 90 and another has MS (as she can't now hold a camera she gets others to help her). Covid 19 has challenged us all but thankfully photography is something that you can take anywhere and as has been widely circulated, a love of the arts has saved many people from the worst of the pandemic.