Bench for Balham: Artist Call Out

Wandsworth Council is seeking an artist to animate a bench situated on Bedford Hill,
Balham. Successful artist(s) will consider full design and installation of the work bringing aunique design which is sympathetic to its locality.
The aim of the commission is to bring to life the existing wooden composite seating, creating
something which is both functional, artistically interesting and engaging. We encourage
designs that are original alternatives to traditional public street benches and which
complement our Arts and Culture Place-shaping goal to:
“Ensure arts and culture is integrally linked to the development of different parts of the
Borough supporting the Area Strategies set out in the Local Plan and contributing to the
improvement of the Boroughs neighbourhoods, high streets and regeneration areas ensuring
arts and culture are accessible to all, grow the ambition of the Borough and reflect the needs
and opportunities of the residents and creative clusters”.
Project Management
Project Management support and coordination of installation will be
provided by Wandsworth Council High Streets Team.
Insurances: Relevant insurances will be covered and managed by Wandsworth Council
High Streets Team
Longevity of work: selected work will be expected to last as long as reasonably possible
i.e. the scope of this brief is not for a temporary work
Material: artists must select materials compatible with permanent application on composite
wood e.g. paints used must be outdoor resilient.
Scope of brief
Fees: applying artists should provide full project costs to include artist time, expenses,
production and installation (with the selected artist expected to manage fabrication and
Artist Selection
Following an open call, a selection of artists will be invited to attend an interview to present a
selection of their previous work, their response to the brief and describe how they will see
the commission through to delivery.
We are especially interested to hear from local, Wandsworth based artists with experience of
design and installation of works in the public realm. We particularly welcome expressions of
interest from artists who reflect the diversity of communities in Wandsworth
We expect to select and interview shortlisted artists on early July (date TBC) and expect the
successful artist to start work soon after appointment. The project is expected to be
completed by August 2022.
Artist Call-out: May 2022
Deadline for artist submissions: Midnight 30th June 2022
Shortlisting & Panel: Early July
Decisions: Mid-July
Appoint Artist: Mid- July
Installation: Early August
Site Location & Details
The bench is situated outside large Sainsbury’s, Bedford Hill Balham
Bench dimensions: height back: 133cm, length back: 357cm, height seat: 39cm, length
seat: 212cm.

Most questions should be covered by this brief. Clarification questions can be sent to Lucy
Murray, Arts & Culture Programme and Partnerships Manager:
[email protected]
To apply please fill out the form below by 30 June 2022
Applicants are also requested to send up to five images of their proposed work by the deadline, this can include examples of recent work to: [email protected]